Friday, August 04, 2006

EYE4ADVENTURE in business?

That's right I've taken the next step along the road to financial freedom or possibly financial doom.... well lets hope it will end up with the first possibility! If not I guess my student loan may get written off...

EYE4ADVENTURE is now the official NZ distributor for Effort Inc. Meaning enter the donkey will be available for purchase very shortly in NZ, Effort Inc. are also planning on producing future movies on the wonderful subject matter of Kayaking!

On other developments work is progressing soundly towards NZ & Australia's new kayak magazine. With articles in the works, business plans spinning around my head & very few hours not spent thinking about somesort of issue/problem. Advertising is the next matter to attend to while the articles are written (Articles will be coming in from Canada, California & Europe) as well as back here in good old NZ & Australia.

With nothing set in stone a release date is currently unknown. How the cookie ends up crumbling we'll have to wait & see.

Until I randomly update you again


P.S if interested in the Enter The Donkey DVD send me an email at - price 2B-annouced.

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